
Payment/Reimbursement Request Form

Use this form to request reimbursements, payments to vendors, staff pay, and other expenditures.



  • When you are done, make sure that you select I'm finished with this form and I am ready to submit it, then click the Save and Continue button. 

  • For reimbursements and staff pay, we prefer to pay by Zelle whenever possible. If you have not signed up for Zelle, please check with your bank to see if that payment method is supported. You will receive your money much faster with Zelle! We can also pay via PayPal.

  • No staff pay can be issued unless the treasurers have an up-to-date copy of your W-9. If you are unsure if you have ever submitted a W-9 to the band boosters or you might have moved since your last submission, please upload a new W-9 with this request. 

  • Attach up to 10 files/pictures/scans of all receipts and supporting documentation.

  • A receipt of your submitted request will be e-mailed to you (please keep for your records).

  • Questions? Please e-mail us at chsbandboosterpres2@gmail.com.


Payment Method

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Note: We cannot pay Zelle accounts tied to debit cards. Your Zelle account must be tied to your checking account.

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Upload Receipts, Invoices, or Other Backup

A W-9 IS NOT REQUIRED FOR REIMBURSEMENTS OR MOST VENDOR PAYMENTS. W-9's are needed for payments to techs (non-CISD employees), master class teachers, and any other individual or unincorporated business providing services. This is only required if you have not recently provided the band boosters with an up-to-date W-9 (have you moved recently?) or this is your first time requesting payment for services rendered. Once the treasurers receive your W-9, we handle it with care and keep it in secure storage accessible only by the band booster treasury team. We will not issue payment if we are missing your W-9.


If you are not logged in to Membership Toolkit, you will be asked for your address and phone number on the next screen. Feel free to enter the Coppell High School address and phone number. 


When you are done, make sure that you select I'm finished with this form and I am ready to submit it, then click the Save and Continue button.